....Guess what today is. If you guessed Monday, you are correct! That's right kiddies, it's Monday. I am not a huge fan of Mondays if i must be brutally honest.
I've come to the realization that my alarm clock is jealous of the amazing relationship I have with my bed. Thus she must destroy it by screaming at me til I pay her some attention. Bitch.
This weekend I got to spend some quality time with an AMAZINGLY amazing woman...My Mommy!
Fourth of July is Wednesday. I have the day off from work. Now, days off in the middle of the week ave their good sides and bad sides. I mean I LOVE having that day in the middle of the week to just recoup. The sucky part is I can't really do much, I have to get back to bed kinda early so I can get up and go to work for two more days! Ah, well, best to just enjoy what I have. So I will be spending a quiet day with Mummy, Dadums, and my awesome Hubby Bubby (that's Frank to the rest of you). Probably cook up some hot dogs and chill out.
What are your plans for the Holiday?