Sunday, August 2, 2015

So, you want to draft a circle skirt pattern?

Good Morning Butterflies!!!!

     I am SUPER excited today.  This week while at Mama Pixie's, I spent the day sewing with her for the second week in a row.  It was AWESOME!  My Mama Pixie kicks ASS when it comes to crafts.  There isn't much she can't do.  She sews, paints, works with clay, makes dolls...Just anything and everything!  She is AWESOME.  That must be where I get it  Anyway, this week, I was able to teach Mama Pixie something which made me so happy and proud.  AND I forgot to take pictures....Damn it.  Realizing this, I recreated the procedure in my house only I made the "item" longer.  I'll explain in a minute.  First, let's talk about what we're working on here.  Remember how I mentioned I wanted a pettiskirt, super fluffy and insane looking?  Yeeeeaaaaah so that's kind of what were working on....We're going to make the base of our pettiskirt...the Circle skirt.

     I started off per usual doing my research.  There is a program out there where you can punch in the digits, some of them want you to divide by 6.85 or something like that....uhhh no.  I stumbled up the video below on YouTube and was in LOVE.  Not only does she take you through it step by step but she also GIVES you a link to download a little inner circle pattern guide thing.....Just watch the video and get the link sillies.

     So, here I go, gathering my supplies.  This project is so quick, I didn't even have time to GATHER the EoL!  That super quick.  Below you see my supplies which include the pattern (YAY!), a yard stick, the Box O' Markers, My home made pattern weights (Did I mention how much I love them?!), scissors for paper (I'll explain that), and believe it or not.....wrapping paper.  I would have rather used craft paper (you know the brown stuff on the roll? Sometimes it;s called shipping paper.) But honestly, I didn't have any, I didn't want to buy any (Because I'm "Thrifty") And I have rolls upon rolls upon ROLLS of wrapping paper.  (I buy them when they go on Clearance after the Holidays.) 

Pattern weights, scissors and the yard stick. 

Markers and paper!

Yardstick and pattern.

     I'm going to STOP right here and explain about scissors.  I once knew someone who grabbed a set of my sewing scissors and said "Wow, these are sharp!".  Then proceeded to cut a STRAW with them as well as paper.  I freaked out.  Sewing scissors are specifically designed for cutting fabric, NOT PAPER.  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT grab a seamstresses (Is that a word?!) sewing scissors and use them to cut paper.  They will be ruined, you will get yelled at and you will be out some money when she freaks out hard enough that you buy new scissors to shut her up!  Just a word of warning my little butterflies, cause I care and I love each and every one of you.

     Anywho, below you see the placement of the pattern in a corner of the paper I am using to draft the circle skirt pattern.  You can do this straight on the material but honestly, I like having a pattern to work from.  PLUS, I have a pattern I can use over and over without have to measure it every time.  I should also mention, the pattern goes up to 44 inches....Being a Rubenesque girl, I had to measure the distance between lines and add a few more before I cut it.  VERY easy to do as well and it fits perfect now.

Pattern in the upper left hand corner of the paper, held my pattern weights and the Box O' Markers.
     I then traced the pattern out, and removed it for the next time I need it.  You are done with the pattern now.  Put it someplace safe!  Hell I think I want to laminate mine!!!

     Next, we take the yard stick and starting at the inner circle, we measure our length.  I went with 22 inches.  Because I'm short and 22 inches is like tea length on me!  Plus if it's too long, I can always take it up.  You can always take up, much more difficult to let out.  

All my little dashes.

     OH I also said I would explain as to WHY I needed it to be longer.  Well, the original one I cut for the pettiskirt is only 15 inches long.  Why?  Well, because it's going under another skirt and will have layers of tulle on it and I will be wearing bloomies too.  So my badonkadonk will not be on display for all the world to see LOL.  But for every day wear, I definitely wanted something LONGER!!

Close up of my little dash marks.

You see I'm measuring for the inner circle line, not the top of the paper.  If you work from the top of the paper, your pattern will be all jacked up.
     OH! I forgot to mention!  To make your "dashed" line, you will start at one side of your inner circle, make a mark, then move your yard stick.  You will always keep the top of your yard stick on the inner circle thus making an arc with your dashed lines.  See below?  (Watch the video, the young lady explains it so much better LOL)

     Your next step is to connect your dots or dashes or what have you.  

Connect the dots, La La Lala!  (Anyone else love Pee Wee Herman?)

     Forgot to take pictures and Hubby Hubby wasn't home to do it for me but then you cut out your pattern!


There is it!  My custom made circle skirt pattern that is perfect for my waist and 22 inches long.  Can't wait to find my material so I can make a skirt with this one.  

    I'll make another post soon about how to use the pattern.  But as a bonus, below you see the progress on my pettiskirt.

Here is the circle skirt all by it's self.  It's got chalk marks all over it for my placement of tulle.  

And here is 20 yards (YES YARDS!) of tulle that have been ruffled.  
      Ruffling tulle is a WHOLE different blog post.  Maybe tomorrows.  I need more tulle!!!!!

     Well my Little Butterflies, I hope this helps.  

Peace and Love, 


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