Friday, June 29, 2012

I missed one already?!

Oh MAN!  I can't believe I missed a post already.    Maybe because I was super tired, or just happy and excited about the things that are transpiring.  Maybe both.  I'm going to go with Both and not that I just forgot like a ditz.  

So anyway, it's Friday!  My second favorite F word.....What?  Don't judge me!

So last night I tried a craft I found on Pintrest.  (You remember me going on and on about Pintrest right?)  I am currently waiting for it to dry.  Once it's done that, then I will post my review of it and if all goes well, pictures too. 

Anyone have anything awesome going on this weekend?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good things

You know, as often as I sometimes think, Life is out to get me, every once in a while a glimmer of hope shines through.

What did I learn today?  I learned that being a good person has it's advantages.  

And what did that lesson teach me?  It taught me that sometimes, after you scrape the muck off your shoes, you come out bettter.  

Sometimes it takes a while to see it, but you are a better person for getting rid of the things that hold you down.

My eyes are open.  I'm so blessed.  I have a fabulous family, great friends, a loving husband,  and a job.  Things are looking up from here.  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Support Local Talent.

So, today's blog post is about supporting local talent. Some of the most talented people I know are in a local improv comedy group called WIT Improv. Here's the link to their website.

WIT Improv

These people are hysterical. I've known a few of them for several years now. I am proud to call them not only my friends, but also my mentors. They inspire me and make me laugh.

I want you all to go out and support some form of local talent. Big names were all local talent somewhere.

Is there a local talent you enjoy going to see? Let me know!

Monday, June 25, 2012


So, is anyone else entranced by Pintrest?  You've heard of it right?  In case you live under some sort of object where you never get the light of day, here is a link. 

I am in LOVE with Pintrest!  Let me give you a brief description.  Pintrest is an online cork board so to speak.  And it is amazing.  All those little things where you think "Gee, where did so and so learn to do that?"  Or "Wow I love this product, where can I find it"  they are all there.  

As the crafty little minx that I am, I dived in to see what I could see after the lady I work with mentioned it to me, then Hubby Bubby(That's Frank to the rest of you) told me about it and took me to the site.  I have not stopped since!  I've got my own private Pintrest account (nothing naughty just stuff I love) and will be starting one for the blog as well.    Will let you know as soon as it's ready!

So....Do you guys have any neat sites that you just have to share?