Monday, June 25, 2012


So, is anyone else entranced by Pintrest?  You've heard of it right?  In case you live under some sort of object where you never get the light of day, here is a link. 

I am in LOVE with Pintrest!  Let me give you a brief description.  Pintrest is an online cork board so to speak.  And it is amazing.  All those little things where you think "Gee, where did so and so learn to do that?"  Or "Wow I love this product, where can I find it"  they are all there.  

As the crafty little minx that I am, I dived in to see what I could see after the lady I work with mentioned it to me, then Hubby Bubby(That's Frank to the rest of you) told me about it and took me to the site.  I have not stopped since!  I've got my own private Pintrest account (nothing naughty just stuff I love) and will be starting one for the blog as well.    Will let you know as soon as it's ready!

So....Do you guys have any neat sites that you just have to share?  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kiki! Cool blog start here. I am a pintrest addict too and Ive already got a huge collection of things I "want to do". God knows I'll probably never start a project as much as I love to imagine I will. Ha. Maybe your projects will motivate me. No pressure there. Grin. Are you working on something for the next Pirate Fest? Good luck and I'll be keeping an eye on you. XD
