Monday, March 25, 2013

So you wanna make a video huh ?

OMG!  What a crazy weekend!

     So I  filmed the first Episode of Cooking Con Chicas.  Wow the amount of editing will be phenomenal! BUT, on the plus side, the bread turned out perfect and it was delicious! Wednesday we will work on editing and see if I can post it.  We'll also be deciding  what we want to make on the next episode of Cooking Con Chicas and gather ingredients.  So, Is it gauche to tell people they can donate to keep the show going?

     Sunday night, Hubby Bubby (that's Frank to the rest of you) surprised me by renting The Awakening.  I LOVED IT!  I was so completely impressed, I went back to the first scene when the credits were rolling and watched it again from the beginning.  GREAT couple of twists in the ending.  Totally did not see it coming.

     Here's the thing.  I love movies.  NO REALLY, I love movies.  And I can usually guess what's going to happen (especially in suspense horror movies) pretty quickly.  My record?  Ten minutes into Secret Window, I knew what was going on.  Not because it was a bad movie.  In fact exactly the opposite.  It really is another one of my favorite movies.  But something just told me the ending.  I, of course, blurt it out and ruined the movie for Hubby Bubby.  So, now, if I know an ending, I am not allowed to tell!

     What types of movies do you like?  Are you pretty good about figuring them out?

Adieu for Now Bebes!!!!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Back...Back in the St. Pete Groove!

Ok so the actual title of the KISS song is Back in the New York Groove!  And I love the song, I love the band and I love Gene Simmons....Don't Judge me!!!!!!! 

So, Things have been a roller coaster of emotion and trials and tribulations.   But here I am!  Living, Kicking Butt and taking names!!!! 

Things going here are going to be amazing soon.  Mumsy and I are starting a cooking vlog.  Yup, Cooking Con Chicas will be going live in the next week or so.  I'm gonna be cross blogging I think.  I'm also hoping to self publish a cookbook.  About stories and recipes my mom shares with me so they are not lost to our younger generations.  I want my nieces and their babies to have these recipes and prepare them for their own families.  

I should have done one at Christmas for Pastelles.  Mom says that was the last time she's ever making them but this year we will be making them again so I can do a Noche Buena (Christmas Eve for you non Latins out there)  version of the show/cookbook.  

 Right now, we will be concentrating on artisan breads as we've found e-books with LOTS of recipes.  

So tell me fans!  What would you like to see on Cooking Con Chicas?   Let me know here or through my e-mail and maybe....JUST maybe, we'll mention you in a taping.  At some point...Maybe we'll have guests on the show...

Let me get this started and we'll go from there. 

Adios bebes and MUCH love!