Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hello and Welcome to 40.....

Oye!  Ya know, this whole getting older thing, it's for the birds!  I;m not sure who decided at 40 that they suddenly wanted to start playing with the thermostat in my body, but they need to knock it off!  This hot then cold flash dance suuuuuuuuuucks!

Of course, someone suggested I go to a dr and get hormones.  Uh, No thank you, I'll pass.  Ya see, menopause is like reverse.  Can you imagine having to deal with that crap over years?!?!  Not to mention, Hello?  I'm Latin.  I'm hairy enough!!!  If I took hormones Jaxie Boo would be able to braid the GD hair on my back!!!  And Jinxie Boo would like put beads and bows in it!!!!  Told you my friends are hysterical! 

So, in closing, allow me to regale you with what happened at the salon today.  So, I went to get my eyebrows and lip done (or get de-yetified as Hubby Bubby (that's Frank to the rest of you) and I so affectionately call it.)  I did mention I was Latin right?   I lay down on the little bed thing and the girl is looking at my face and we have the following conversation.....

Her -  Oh...I be right back....
Me - Uh...Ok
Her- (calls out from the little room in Vietnamese)
In comes the owner of the salon, they talk the owner comes over and looks at my face.

Owner - Oh Honey (She couldn't remember my name if her life depended on it...Just sayin)  you have red on you face by you eye.  Like rash o irritation.  (hands me a mirror)

Me-  WHAT?!  (grabs mirror and looks)'s eyeshadow! 

Yup..that just happened about an hour again.  My life I tell ya.  And it wasn't even red eyeshadow, it was dark pink! 

I mean really?  Is it me?!

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