Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ok, They can't all be perfect.

Hello My Little Butterflies!

  As I've stated before, not all crafts are perfect.  Sometimes, they are down right...well....shitty looking.  Now before I begin, please let me state YET AGAIN, all opinions are my own and really, I think most of this stuff is My errors.  I'm not perfect.  Let's begin.

    So, I've been watching this Make your own tricorn pattern and site because HEY Pirate hats can be expensive!  I think either my cardboard was too thick or my felt was but either way, here's my process.

My supplies.  Bias Tape, cardboard, my6 pattern, cool tool glue gun and glue sticks and my felts.

    Some of the pattern needed to literally be put together.  You see the process below.  


     Now I Printed two copies of each pattern.  The reason being is because you use part of the pattern as your cardboard pattern.  And because I didn't want to print out the pattern a bunch of times, I went ahead and put all the patter pieces on this cardboard and cut them all out.  


     There I started tracing onto the felt.  

After That was finished, I glued everything down and cut it out (AGAIN!!!)  I also began to make little slits around the out side to glue it down.   

Unfortunately, my material wasn't long enough and it just didnt come out right.  I was very disappointed.  But, here's the thing.  I plan on trying this again.  I'm not going to give up are you kidding?  I will do it again, I will try it another way, I will do lots of things but eventually, I will get it right!  

     As I said, Not everything is a hit out of the park.  But we should never give into the feeling of defeat,  I will try this again. 

But a different post coming tomorrow.  Until then, Adios!

Peace and Love, 


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