Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Failures...And recoveries

Hello My Little Butterflies, 

    Ok, so I don't have any pictures.  Mainly because I wanted to just get this thing knocked out and show you guys the finished product.  Well, disaster struck...

     Last night, I got home from work and decided "Hey!  Let me work on assembling the skirt portion of my Halloween costume!  It should be just a few seams and I can use the serger at Mama Pixie's on Thursday to finish it off."  Ok so I came to realize two things.

1) I will never, ever, EVER make another skirt from a GD pattern again.  Only my paper patterns for my customized circle skirts.  Patterns lock you into a GD box.  

2) I'm short.  Ok so that last one isn't exactly a realization.  I've known this forever.  But here's the thing.  After I tried the shell of the skirt on (which was a F&%KING nightmare let me tell you all about that in a few moments.) I realized that it's too long!  Like a foot too long!  It literally reached my ankles at my natural waist line.  This is without the 2-3 inch elastic waistband.  When I took that into account....It was literally to the floor!!!!  Now my pettiskirt (remember the pettiskirt I'm working on?)  Is only 15 inches long.  With the waistband it reaches between 16-18 (you figure with hems and all that stuff)  There is NO WAY my itty bitty pettiskirt is going to work for that!  So last night, I got disgusted (You you do) and just figured I would have to scrap the whole thing.

    Now, Here's what happened to make me so frustrated.  As I put together the original pieces I had cut, I thought, hmmmm, this is going to be too small.  When I put it all together I thought, Hmm maybe not.  As I tried it on....I split one of the panels right down the center.  *blinbblink* DAFUQ?!

    Well, In my infinite wisdom, I had cut super long pieces of the waistband they wanted me to cut. So I took the offending skirt, pinned some of the waistband and sewed it in. I did this twice.  What was I thinking people?!?!  You know what I was thinking?  "I GOT THIS!  I can save this disaster."  Turns out...No, I can't, it looks like shit, it's still too long and GD IT!  I tossed the offending skirt aside and went to watch the NetFlix in bed with my fur babies.  


     Let's fast forward to this morning.  I'm in the shower, washing my hair and of course, I'm thinking of that stupid skirt!  I'm going to have to buy material all over again, re cut it and...wait.....I know what I can do with the F'ed up skirt!!!!!  So, I put in those two panels right? Well, I can take those out pretty easy, use them as a guide to cut up the rest of that skirt and use it for ruffles on my apron!  The costume needs an apron, the apron needs ruffles, so why throw away that material when I can easily join the pieces.  Once the pieces are joined, I can ruffle them then sew them onto the apron!  

     I'm a GD Genius!!!!  Hurray for being thrifty!  I will used the serger at Mama Pixie's as planned to surge the bottom and sides of the long strip, then ruffle the shit outta that bastard and sew it onto the apron.  YES!  What an amazing way to incorporate the pink into the white of the apron.  Oh I'm excited.  Once I get the new yards of material for the circle skirt, I'll be able to knock that out in no time using my customized pattern (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, see the tutorial here.  Circle Skirt Tutorial )

     Ok Little Butterflies, I'm going to leave you with that.  Hopefully I will get this strip made tonight and will give you pics of the deconstruction/reconstruction of the materials.  

Peace and Love, 


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