Monday, August 12, 2013

Craft Stores and My Addiction

Addiction.  Yeah it's something we don't want to admit to.  I admit I love food.  We have a pretty damned amazing relationship.  So much so, if it turns on me, I truly feel betrayed.

Anyway, today, we're going to talk about another form of addiction.  

*stands*  My name is Pixie, And I'm addicted to craft supplies. *waits for the "Hi Pixie"*  

This really is on the hard side for me to admit.  Or should I say USED to be.  But now, I embrace my addiction, because Honestly?  I refuse to pay full price.  I'm also addicted to Sale Prices/ Clearance and Coupons.  

Let's take yesterday.  Yesterday was Sunday.  Now, if you know me, you know that I do not leave my house on Sunday.  That is truly my lay in bed, relax and recoup before a work week day.  I was up and at Joann's before they opened.  Why you may ask?  Well, they had McCall's patterns on sale for $.70 a pattern!  ALL of them!  Not like the spring and summers let's get rid of them for the fall and winter type of thing.  ALL OF THEM!  So, I got 10 patterns for me.  Then on a second order I got 6 for Mummy Dahling.  (Limit 10 per order, hence the 2 orders.(Yup, just used Hence correctly in a sentence.  HELLO SAT points!))  So, my total with tax was $ 7.49.  The total for mom's was $4.50.  For a total of $ 11.95.

Checking the math   $7.49

Ya ever go to a store and they have the "You Saved" line on the bottom of the receipt   Sometimes it will be "Total Savings"?  Well which ever, That's my favorite part of the receipt.  I LOVE to see how much I saved.  Well, on Mummy Dahling's patterns, I Saved $98.80.  And on my patterns....Drum Roll Please....I saved....$125.75!!!!!! Let's check that math! 

   $ 98.80
+ $125.75
   $ 224.55

OMG, I think I had an O!  Better than sex I tell ya.  

I like to think of it as "Extreme Couponing"  without the cutting and the saving and the crap.  The very best, absolute, most AMAZING part?  I didn't use a single coupon!  NOT ONE!  And I had some good ones let me tell ya!    

So those of you who know me, now know why I have 2 two drawer and 1 three drawer filing cabinets full of patterns.  Because when I need them, I have them.  

So what do you buy en mass when you can?  

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