Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Quick....Take a message

     OK for those of you who may not know, I work in an office.  I've worked in an office for most of my adult life.  Either as a receptionist, an admin assistant of sorts and even support staff for a repair shop.  Needless to say, I am familiar with the phone. But even before that, my parents taught me how to take a proper message.  This of course was before cell phones and such so sometimes, you had to take the message.  (You know back when I rode a T-Rex to school)

     In my career, I've learned the importance of not only circumventing calls for higher ups but also the importance of taking a proper phone message.

     So, in my effort to educate you all in case we all end up working together (Which really, I hope we do someday.  I mean I really want to work for myself someday and I have some fairly amazing friends who will just HAVE to come work with me.), Let me give you some examples of what is considered a proper message and what is not a proper message.  Let's start with the latter.

     Let's say, for instance, I am on the phone with someone and the other line chimes in.  As I am already on the phone, whomever is available, should answer it before the third ring (We'll get to that another time).  The callers name is Joe Mazaratz with American Access Actors (Fictitious!  [I Hope {Just in case WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THESE PEOPLE IN ANYWAY}]).  He is calling to verify the act I have heading to his event and whom the actors will be on the list.  His phone number is (123) 456-7890.

     This is NOT a proper written message to hand me;


     ....Seriously?  I mean I have so many questions  don't even know where to start.  Joe who?  American What?  Airlines?  Is this an office number or a cell? What's the best time to call him?  (Ok trick question.  But we'll get back to that.)

     Below is a great message;

Joe with American Access Actors called.
You can reach him at 123-456-7890
RE:  Verification of actors that need to be on the list.

     AWESOME!  I know exactly who called and what they need to know.  This way I am not fumbling around trying to figure it out.  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy right?  SO, as far as time frames go, that will usually apply if I am out of the office for some reason, in a meeting what have you.  The time frame will tell me who called at what time and in what order I should return calls (Always the first called, first returned.) should there be more than one.

That's all for today darlings.  Should there be any questions, please feel free to ask!

All my love!,


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