Thursday, July 30, 2015

Strange things are happening.....

Well Hello little Butterflies,

     You know, Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them too.  Sometime it's a complete disappointment, other times you are presently surprised.  I had both situations with this weeks crafts.  So lets get started cues there is a lot today and tomorrow is Mama Pixie Day!


     Above you see, I've taped my wax paper down to my table, air dry clay, food coloring, acrylic paint and the EoL.

Now, below hour see me working the clay. Now I didn't want to buy huge amount of colored clay for a small Halloween project so I instead, bought a 5 lb tub of white and decided to tint it myself.  So, after researching and finding three (yes, three) schools of thought, I decided to try 2 of them, one was tinting with food coloring, the other with acrylic paint.  The third (in case you were wondering) was to color it with markers......I watched a YouTube video of it.  It didn't make much sense to me and seemed way more time consuming.  Ain't nobody gots time for dat!

I started with the food coloring.  I used Wilton Brand gel food coloring.  I put about three drops into the well of the clay and started to work it.  

     And after I was happy with the color, I placed it in the baggie.  Now to work with the acrylics.  

     Ok, I've already admitted that I'm pretty cheap.  Hubby bubby noticed we were low on work gloves so I decided to take the ones I had, and put them on the opposite sides to give me a clean surface.  Tada!!!!!

I added the acrylic to the well of the clay.  I used about the size of a nickel.  The reason being that the color, though brighter is not as concentrated.  

Uhhhhh, ok it's not working the was I want it as seen below. 

How I felt about acrylics after this crap....

     I added more....ALOT more paint.  Still not what I wanted.  Ah well, They won't all be perfect projects.

Holy shit!  Ignore this mess.  I;m still working on getting my craft area into a workable state.  

So, the next night, after talking over with Hubby Bubby.  He suggested I make a thin purple stripe as well for my project.  You'll see why below.  

Here we go again, tinting the clay.

3 drops in a smaller ball of clay because I was a darker color.  

Here is the type of clay I used.  

Here's what it looks like in it's natural state.

Here are the sticks I was trying to choose from .  They range from long skewers to smaller chopsticks.  You'll see why.

Here are the canes I rolled out in the pink and the white.  I made sure they were the same length.  I also lightly pressed them together.  

And here is the purple.  It's a skinner stick because I want it only as an accent.  It's also the same length.  

Here are all three canes together.  Again.  lightly pressed together.
    Ok So I skipped this next part with pics because A) I got swept up in creating and 2) Hubby Bubby was not available to take the pics for me LOL.  I basically rolled the three canes together so I had one long thick cane.  I then twisted it slightly thus giving me a swirled pattern.  i started on one end, and began to roll it slowly onto itself.  Using the lid to my water container for paint (we use what we have at hand LOL) I would flatten it a bit then roll some more.  I inserted the skewer I decided to use and set it on the lip to dry.  


And there you have it! There is the custom made Lollipop for my Halloween costume!   could have easily bought one but I didn't want to worry about it going bad or getting broken or disappearing.  This is just clay and much lighter than regular clay.

And finally, Filed under will wonders never cease.  Remember the clay I tinted with the acrylic paint?  I was really not happy with the color and figured hey, I'll use it for something.  So when I opened the container of clay, it look like this...

All I could think was...Asshole.  As well, I have clay that's already pink for something else.  

More later my darlings, 

Peace and love!


Monday, July 27, 2015

Project I work on at work.

Good Morning Butterflies,

     Today, we're talking about crochet.  More specifically, I'm making spats for my Halloween costume.  I've even made button holes.  No Seriously!  I made button holes!!!! Let me show you below.

Yup!  Those are button holes!

My progress as of 5 PM on July 26th, 2015.
......GD IT!   I hate it when I'm in the middle of a knitting/crochet project and I find this shit.
 OK, Going to work on it some more.  I'll show you my progress when I get some done.

Love and peace,


P.S. I have a Pintrest for the Blog!  I'm excited!!!!  Ok it's only a few pins right now but As soon as I can get some Followers...Yeah Pins all around!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Progress and completion

Hello Little Butterflies,

     Well, I got home and checked my experiments.  Some of them worked, others....booooooooo...not so much.  I'll show you below.

As always, The EoL.  Provided tonight by Hubby Bubby.  How can you tell?  It's got the no spill sippy lid.
Here are the Drizzle experiments.

OMG look at that beautiful skull and crossbones!
The chocolate bar and the strawberry were perfect.  Everything else needs a little more work.

The donut was a complete bust.  Added more white melt to the back of the others to see if I can get them to work so we will see tomorrow.
       On the bright side, I did finish my chalkboard.  I would have mentioned gathering my materials but I have to be honest, this just kind of all fell into place.  I was digging in some of my *ahem* drawers when I began to find pieces and it all just sort of fell into place.  I had no idea it would become a pirate chalkboard but I love it.

     So what do you think? 
Love and peace,

I did it....

Good Morning Little Butterflies,

     So, I'm not sure if any of you read yesterday's blog, but I was a little angry.  I hate it when people make vague statements after complaining about how miserable they are.  Grow a set already.  Anyway, after work yesterday (I work on the weekends), I went to one of the local craft stores, grabbed a few supplies, and headed home.  I was still feeling a little grumbly.  So I walked the fur babies, changed my clothes and oddly enough, cleaned the bath tub (NO idea why).  By this point, it was almost 7 pm and all I wanted to so was lay in bed.  But here's my dilemma, I'm afraid if I go back to just laying down as soon as I get home from work, I will go back into the pattern of doing nothing all day every day thus thrusting myself into a weird self imposed depression.  That's not going to work for me any more.  After the amazing week I had last week of crafting and working on projects, I did it.  I made myself get up, get my supplies together and work on SOMETHING.  I'm going to try to work on something every day.  Be it at work when I get bored, at home after work or when I'm at moms.  Unfortunately, some of these projects I worked on last night are unfinished.  Why?  Because it takes several steps.

     So, here we go.  Again, the light in my craft room is so bad.  so forgive some of these pics.  It's just a pain in the ass to have to do a step in a craft, then run to a room with good lighting to take a pic.

As always, the EoL.   
     So, I started, as always, by gathering my supplies.  Because I'm working with several crafts today, there is a long list of things I used.

We have some Mod Podge Molds on the left.  Across the top we have Podgeable glitters and drizzles.  Bottom right we have a pretty plywood cut out, chalkboard paint and my paint palette.

At the very top be we see the Mod Podge melts, which is like meltable plastic that goes in the high temp hot glue gun.  We also see the glittery glue sticks.  Why?  Well, I figured I would try to use them with the molds but never quite got around to it.  tonight maybe.  Bottom right corner, is the clean water for my paint brushes.

Got this container at the home builder store.  I got it in the paint section along with the lid and I LOVE it!  I always try to use smaller containers and I always end up knocking it over (my name should have been Grace I tells ya), the brushes are too long, just a nightmare. 

Closer look at the plywood piece and paint.  

     Ok let me stop here just for a second.  In case you had no idea, I LOVE CHALKBOARDS!  Like seriously, I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's a childhood thing, who knows.  And once I found chalkboard PAINT?!  FORGET IT!  I've created several.  I love love love them!  I've made ones in cup cut outs, teapot cut outs, anything I can get my hands on.  Of course, those are all at Mama Pixie's house....How the hell did she get them all?! 

     Molds for the Mod Podge melts.  The center one is my newest one and it's called, Trinkets.  And hello!  Skull and Crossbones with a BOW!  (I am Pirate at heart)

          Paintbrushes of all kinds.  

AGAIN with the sparkly glue.  I have to find something to do with this stuff!

     Ok so below, you will see where I started to fill the cavities of my molds.  So, in an experiment, I put the drizzle stuff in some of the Trinket molds. Why?  To save myself on painting time I guess. We'll see how that worked out when I get home tonight. But in the other two molds, I used the plain white Mod Podge melts.  (I didn't use any other colors because when I bought the melts originally they only had white and clear.  Now they have a bunch of different colors.  So, maybe when those go on sale...)  The good thing about the regular melts is they cool and are ready in about 15 minutes, depending on the size of the item you've decided to mold.  

Can you see the skull and crossbones outline up there? 

      Well, sorry for the horrid picture but below, you see some of the plain white items I molded.  They need to be trimmed, shaped and painted.  (I wonder if I have tiny scissors somewhere?)

     Also last night, I worked on a chunky ring, jewelry project thing.  I had a bunch of ring blanks  (all pics of those came out terrible!)  so I've been gluing little cabochon things to them like roses and a miniature teacup and saucer.  So I had some of these red heart stones you get in the bags, like table scatters or something and I glued some to the ring blanks to see what they would look like.  

Here they are, upside down in the wells of my palette drying.  
     So, tonight, when I get home, I will check on my molds, see if the rings held together ok, and finish embellishing my new chalkboard.  You didn't think I was just going to leave it like that did you?

Drying so I can embellish it tonight! 

There you have it Butterflies, 3 or 4 (How many was that?) projects that I am working on in my teeny badly lit craft space.  Is there anything you would like to see me try?  As long as it is within reason, I'm up for pretty much anything craft wise.

Until tomorrow's post.  

Love and Peace my Little Butterflies, 
