Monday, July 20, 2015

SO....You want to make an adult sized Pettiskirt?

Hi Kids.

Yeah I want a pettiskirt.  Yes I know I can buy one.  In fact I have one.  But no it's not what I want.  I want what is referred to as a CUPCAKE pettiskirt.  You know, like in those kid pageant shows?  Yeah....BIG and POOOOOFY!!!!!!

As many of you know, I'm a bigger girl.  Hey, no T, no Shade just pink lemonade Honey. I love my curves!  But it is hard to find a "standard" pattern for a Unique Body.

So first I tried making my own tutu.  SO much fun!  You literally can make this in ANY size and length. Longer tulle lays flatter giving you the actual skirt look.  Shorter pieces stick straight out more so you get more of a tutu effect.   It's got minimal sewing and the cutting the tulle is the hardest part here.  Gets a little tedious with tying the tulle on, but really, not hard.

Anyway, I've researched like crazy and made tons of notes from all kinds of websites and am getting ready to get started.  I'm hoping to blog about this the entire journey so forgive me if I ramble.

Part 1.  "So you need pattern weights"

     Ok, ok, you don't "NEED" pattern weights.  But having worked with pattern weights before.  I can safely say, they are the BEST!  If you know me, you know the worst part of any sewing project for me is the endless (and I mean ENDLESS) pinning and cutting.  I am so paranoid about making the wrong cuts that I end up using twice as many pins in my pattern pieces.  And those are called GD perforations!  Weights will give you the same holding power with less effort.  I love weights.

     So, here's my problem.  I had these great weights and left them at Mama Pixie's house.  Yeah they're hers now.  And that's fine.  I love my Mama Pixie and Damn it I came outta her vajayjay....she wins.

     To make a long story short (TOO LATE), I need new weights.  I found some instructions on how to do this on pintrest with good sized washers.  OFF I went to THE HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE! Since I know NOTHING about this stuff My ManCub (that's Hubby Bubby to the rest of you.) met me there.  After looking like a lost little lamb in the store (not kidding like 3 of the male workers stopped to ask me what I was looking for.) he found me and came to my rescue!  He knew exactly what to pick up, how many I would need and put them in a bag for me.  So, for less than $7, I had the pricey part of making my own weights.  Ok so I didn't leave for that amount, it was more like $13.  WHAT?!  They had stuff!!!!

     Side note here:  I'm not a big fan of dirt and grime on my hands.  I'm a bit of a germaphobe and you will see me wash my hands and use antibac stuff all the time.  So here I am in the Home Improvement store like wigging (people still say that right?) about the washers being all dirty and grimey and stuff.  Hubby is like laughing at me and says "You are so the wrong person to have in this store"  Well shit, everything has a film of dust, grime and dirt on it, AHHHHHHH and 2) is it a rule that those stores MUST be kept at about 80 bajillion degrees (all measurements of heat are not necessarily accurate) in those stores?  IN FLORIDA?!?!  Holy Balls I about burst into flames!!!!

    So tonight, with camera in hand, I'm hoping to make and finish 4 home made patterns weights. And this is before I even start cutting and sewing the pettiskirt.

     How do I get myself into these things?

Love and Peace my little Butterflies,



  1. Where are the pictures? I want pictures!

  2. (I need to do this weights thing, too) You'd think with my million trips to Home Depot that at some point I would remember. NOPE.
