Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Morning My Little Butterflies.  Wait...TWO Blog posts on the same week, two days in a row?!  WHAT?!  What is happening right now!  What's happening is I promised I would take pics and show you my new pattern weights.  And I always try to keep a promise.  So, here we go.  Forgive the photos.  The lighting was "off" in the room.  I couldn't get the right balance of light and color to make the images pop.  A little disappointed in that because I feel I take really good pics.  Anyway, Here we go.

So I gathers my supplies together, (the first 4 pics) and sat down at my sewing table to get to work.  You can't see it in the pictures, but I did lay down a sheet of wax paper to keep the glue from sticking to anything I didn't want it too and for easy clean up.  (I also do that when I'm painting or working with clay.)
Here you see the washers all in the bag.  

Here are my other supplies.  They include the afore (oooooooh fancy word!) mentioned washers, 4 rolls of ribbon, the Cool Tool glue gun and the glue sticks.


My listening pleasure.  Yes I listen to old Horror movies while I craft....What?

      I started by stacking my washers in 4 groups of 4 for a total of 16.  Once my glue was "hot" I started gluing the first two together. Let me pause here and tell you how much I love my Cool Tool glue gun.  Don't get me wrong, I have other glue guns.  I use them, but I don't love them.  See, here's the thing.  I'm accident prone.  I trip over things that aren't there, I fall going up stairs and bump into anything and everything.  I also, burn the ever living SHIT out of myself on hot glue guns.  Nothing puts me in a bad mood and want to say the F word in front of Mama Pixie (AHHHH no we just don't do that)  FASTER  than burning myself on a GD glue gun.  So the Cool Tool is really great.  The glue does come out hot but not molten lava hot.  The only problem with it (which really isn't a problem) is you have to work fast with your project.  Now, with the washers being stainless steel, it cooled the glue off even faster so that was a race against the clock to get the glue placed, snap the picture and slam the other washer down before it got too cold to work with.

See?  In the back right corner of the photo? That's a stack of 4.


Bad Picture BAD!

     So, I actually tried putting the ribbon on two ways.  In the first way, I glued three of the washers together, then glued down a piece of the ribbon and glued the last washer on top thus wedging the ribbon between the 3rd and 4th washers.  The other way I did it, was I glued all the washers together then glued the ribbon to the top before wrapping the washers.  I have to say, I preferred the sandwiching method better.  The bond just felt so much better to me.

Before adding the 4th washer. 

It's a ribbon and washer sammich!

From  another angle.

Two done! 
     Ok I goofed up here.  I meant to post pictures of the actual wrapping process but got so excited when I finished two I blazed right through them.  And that's when Hubby Bubby spoke up...more on that in a sec.  So what I actually used are the mini spools of ribbon you get for like 99 cents at the fabric stores.  Four of those (full spools) were the perfect amount to wrap my washers.  I basically glued down a piece then wrapped it through the hole, under and back up, scootching over a bit every time so the ribbon overlapped just a smidgen ever time.  Turn the washer stack, repeat.

Hubby Bubby talks to GD much LOL.

     So, I've got four beautifully wrapped stacks for use as pattern weights.  I'm showing them off to Hubby Bubby and he says, "You know what would be a great idea?  Put felt on the bottoms so nothing gets snagged on the ribbons and it will glide over the fabric when you move them.  You have felt somewhere right?"  You bet your sweet ass I have felt in every GD color.  I found a piece that I have already been cutting pieces out of (cause I'm cheap and didn't want to ruin a new piece), I traced all four of my weights (no idea why I had to trace all of them.), cut out the felt, and glued those suckers to the bottom of the weights.

Hubby Bubby and his great ideas.....

The front left is a pink argyle ribbon and red roses on the right.  

The back two are purple (left) and pink (right) ribbons that say princess with crowns.  (Just in case there were any doubts.)

OH HEY Bottom center, that blue bit is the tape where I put down the wax paper.

Ready for action!

       See this up here^^^?  

     Yup those are my custom made pattern weights.  It took me just about an hour and a half what with the gluing and the pictures and all.  Once I got the hang of wrapping them, that part took no time at all. 

    I hope I've inspired you all.  Tonight, perhaps there will be another craft in the works!  We shall see.

  Have a Great Day My Little Butterflies, 



1 comment:

  1. Felt? He's brilliant!!!!! Adding ridiculously large washers to my next Home Depot shopping run!
