Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Floral Monogram

     Hello my Little Butterflies!  Last night, I did a new craft.  Something I saw on Pintrest and fell in love with.  I went out, got the supplies... and promptly set it aside.  I'm not sure why, but there you have it.  So, because I've been feeling inspired lately, I decided to grab the MDF letter and the flowers and give the Floral Monogram a try.  Lots of pics to follow so, bare with me.
     I started, as usual, with gathering my supplies.  They included silk flowers in different colors and sizes,  the regular glue gun and a "good sized" MDF letter.  (Pics 1-3)

Look at all the pretty flowers!

The regular glue gun. 

Now, I'm pausing here for  second or two for an explanation.  You see, yesterday, I was going on and on about how much I loved my Cool Tool low temp glue gun.  So why today, am I using the old molten lava glue gun you are asking?  Well, the explanation is simple.  I have a ton of glue sticks for this one and the ones for the Cool Tool only come 15 to a pack and are a little more expensive.  In a nutshell, I'm cheap.  Ok let's call it thrifty instead.  Oh and as to why the letter K?  Simple, my first name and my married last name both start with the letter K.  Thank Badness my middle name isn't Katherine.  I'd  be the KKK!  Not good!  Anyway back to the craft here.

The letter "K" (10 inches) and for some reason my sparkly glue sticks.  For no reason more than because, I has sparkly glue sticks!
So, I began with pulling my large flower off the stem. I always save the leaves too because you never know when you might need them.  You'll see later.

My first flowers and the empty stem.

Save those leaves!

THE EOL !!!!!!!! (The Elixir of Life for you new butterflies)

Here you can see where I trimmed he little nubby off so it lays flatter on the MDF when you glue it.

Beginning the gluing.  I began with a large flower to start with.

Here it is when I first started gluing.
      OK, remember when I told you to save those leaves?  You can see where I added leaves after finding GAPING holes where you could still see the MDF.  I trimmed them up, pulled up petals that were not glued down and slipped them in, gluing them to keep them in place.

About half way done.

3/4's of the way through.

And it's DONE!
 Betcha can't tell what my favorite colors are?  So I love the way you can still tell it's a K but it looks like it's been taken over by wild flowers.  Now I just have to wait for Hubby Bubby to put something on the back so I can hang it.  I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed with myself and the craft.

Enjoy everyone and thank you  all for inspiring me to not only craft again but to write again as well.
Peace and Love My Little Butterflies,



P.S.  I know your wondering if I burned myself with the glue gun.  YOU BET YOUR ASS I DID! 

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